Tuesday, February 01, 2005

[segway] parameter collection for segway sim

// Camera field of view in horizontal and vertical
// in degrees

CAMERA_FOV = 94.8 70.6 // degrees

// This is the position of the camera with respect to the robot's
// coordinate frame (on the ground, not between the wheels)
// This is a translation of that point...

CAMERA_TRANSLATION = 0.235, 0, 1.405 // m [x, y, z] measured

//------- pan tilt settings -------------
SWAY_PAN_MIN_ANGLE = -90.0 // degrees
SWAY_PAN_MAX_ANGLE = 90.0 // degrees

SWAY_TILT_MIN_ANGLE = -88.0 // # degrees
SWAY_TILT_MAX_ANGLE = 90.0 // # degrees