Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Union Find

By wiki: A union-find algorithm is an algorithm that performs two useful operations on such a data structure:

  • Find: Determine which set a particular element is in. Also useful for determining if two elements are in the same set.
  • Union: Combine or merge two sets into a single set.

topCoder article on Union Find



a very clear C++ implementation by Emil Stefanov

// Disjoint Set Data Structure
// Author: Emil Stefanov
// Date: 03/28/06
// Implementaton is as described in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disjoint-set_data_structure

#include <cassert>
#include <vector>

class DisjointSets

// Create an empty DisjointSets data structure
m_numElements = 0;
m_numSets = 0;
// Create a DisjointSets data structure with a specified number of elements (with element id's from 0 to count-1)
DisjointSets(int count){
m_numElements = 0;
m_numSets = 0;
// Copy constructor
DisjointSets(const DisjointSets & s){
this->m_numElements = s.m_numElements;
this->m_numSets = s.m_numSets;

// Copy nodes
for(int i = 0; i < m_numElements; ++i)
m_nodes[i] = new Node(*s.m_nodes[i]);

// Update parent pointers to point to newly created nodes rather than the old ones
for(int i = 0; i < m_numElements; ++i)
if(m_nodes[i]->parent != NULL)
m_nodes[i]->parent = m_nodes[s.m_nodes[i]->parent->index];
// Destructor
for(int i = 0; i < m_numElements; ++i)
delete m_nodes[i];
m_numElements = 0;
m_numSets = 0;

// Find the set identifier that an element currently belongs to.
// Note: some internal data is modified for optimization even though this method is consant.
int FindSet(int element) const;
// Combine two sets into one. All elements in those two sets will share the same set id that can be gotten using FindSet.
void Union(int setId1, int setId2);
// Add a specified number of elements to the DisjointSets data structure. The element id's of the new elements are numbered
// consequitively starting with the first never-before-used elementId.
void AddElements(int numToAdd){
assert(numToAdd >= 0);
// insert and initialize the specified number of element nodes to the end of the `m_nodes` array
m_nodes.insert(m_nodes.end(), numToAdd, (Node*)NULL);
for(int i = m_numElements; i < m_numElements + numToAdd; ++i)
m_nodes[i] = new Node();
m_nodes[i]->parent = NULL;
m_nodes[i]->index = i;
m_nodes[i]->rank = 0;

// update element and set counts
m_numElements += numToAdd;
m_numSets += numToAdd;
// Returns the number of elements currently in the DisjointSets data structure.
int NumElements() const {return m_numElements;};
// Returns the number of sets currently in the DisjointSets data structure.
int NumSets() const {return m_numSets;};

// Internal Node data structure used for representing an element
struct Node
int rank; // This roughly represent the max height of the node in its subtree
int index; // The index of the element the node represents
Node* parent; // The parent node of the node

int m_numElements; // the number of elements currently in the DisjointSets data structure.
int m_numSets; // the number of sets currently in the DisjointSets data structure.
std::vector<Node*> m_nodes; // the list of nodes representing the elements

// Note: some internal data is modified for optimization even though this method is consant.
// path compression
int DisjointSets::FindSet(int elementId) const
assert(elementId < m_numElements);
Node* curNode;

// Find the root element that represents the set which `elementId` belongs to
curNode = m_nodes[elementId];
while(curNode->parent != NULL)
curNode = curNode->parent;
Node* root = curNode;

// Walk to the root, updating the parents of `elementId`. Make those elements the direct
// children of `root`. This optimizes the tree for future FindSet invokations.
curNode = m_nodes[elementId];
while(curNode != root)
Node* next = curNode->parent;
curNode->parent = root;
curNode = next;
return root->index;

// union by rank
void DisjointSets::Union(int setId1, int setId2)
assert(setId1 < m_numElements);
assert(setId2 < m_numElements);
assert(setId1 != setId2);

Node* set1 = m_nodes[setId1];
Node* set2 = m_nodes[setId2];

// Determine which node representing a set has a higher rank. The node with the higher rank is
// likely to have a bigger subtree so in order to better balance the tree representing the
// union, the node with the higher rank is made the parent of the one with the lower rank and
// not the other way around.
if(set1->rank > set2->rank)
set2->parent = set1;
else if(set1->rank < set2->rank)
set1->parent = set2;
else // set1->rank == set2->rank
set2->parent = set1;
++set1->rank; // update rank
// Since two sets have fused into one, there is now one less set so update the set count.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void printElementSets(const DisjointSets & s)
for (int i = 0; i < s.NumElements(); ++i)
cout << s.FindSet(i) << " ";
cout << endl;
int main()
DisjointSets s(10);

return 0;

0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
0  1  2  5  4  5  6  7  8  9
0  5  2  5  4  5  6  7  8  9
0  5  2  5  4  5  6  6  8  9
0  5  2  5  4  5  6  6  8  8
0  5  2  5  4  5  6  6  6  6
0  5  2  5  4  5  6  6  6  6  10  11  12
0  5  2  5  4  5  6  6  6  6  10  11  11
0  5  2  5  4  5  6  6  6  6  6  11  11
0  5  2  5  4  5  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
Press any key to continue . . .

Problem: topCoder grafixMask

Editorial suggest using a floodFill with BFS (DFS might have stack overflow problem)

We can also use Union-Find to solve this problem.