Friday, September 19, 2008

dancing couples

topCoder: DancingCouples editorial
"Each subproblem is clearly defined by three variables: the set of unmatched boys, the set of unmatched girls, and the number of couples we need to make."
d[i][j][k]  ----- the total ways to make k couples 
| | |
| | i couples to make
| available girl status (bitmask)
the i-th boy to match

d[i][j][k] = the ways to make k couples in which we do not use the i-th boy +
the ways to make k couples in which we use the i-th boy
= d[i-1][j][k] + sum (d[i-1][j^(1 << k)][k-1])

cnt [v][s] = the ways in which z6 = 0 + the ways in which z6 > 0
= cnt[v-1][s] + cnt[v][s-v]
The code:
int dp[12][1025][12];
int solve(int nboy, int available_girl, int K) {
if(nboy < K || count_bit(available_girl) < K) return 0;
if(K == 0) return 1;
if(dp[nboy][available_girl][K] >= 0) return dp[nboy][available_girl][K];

int res = solve(nboy-1, available_girl, K);

for(int i = 0; i < cd[0].size(); ++i) {
if(cd[nboy-1][i] == 'Y' && available_girl & (1<<i))
res += solve(nboy-1, available_girl ^ (1<<i), K-1);
return dp[nboy][available_girl][K] = res;