Monday, September 29, 2008

bit operation

topCoder: A bit of fun: fun with bits

Set union
A | B
Set intersection
A & B
Set subtraction
A & ~B
Set negation
Set bit
A |= 1 << bit
Clear bit
A &= ~(1 << bit)

Negate bit

     A ^= (1 << bit)

Test bit
(A & 1 << bit) != 0

Programming Pearls: bitvector functions

const int SHIFT = 5;
const int MASK = (1<<SHIFT)-1;

inline void SET(unsigned int a[], int i) {
a[i>>SHIFT] |= (1 << (i & MASK));
inline void CLEAR(unsigned int a[], int i) {
a[i>>SHIFT] &= ~(1 << (i & MASK));
inline bool TEST(unsigned int a[], int i) {
return a[i>> SHIFT] & (1 << (i & MASK));

int a[1 + N/(sizeof(int)<<3)];

上一贴BFS中用的visited最多支持到 2^27, int visited[2^27], 要用512M内存 (再多vc compilier Error C2148: total size of array must not exceed 0x7fffffff bytes --- 2GB) 。用上面这个bitvector数组可以只用 2^22 int, 16M memory,好很多了。相应改动非常少:

  int BFS( ... ) {
// ...
int N = 1 << (totalslots-1); // totalslots+4-5
unsigned int *v = new unsigned int[N+1];
memset(v, 0, sizeof(unsigned int)*(N+1));
queue<State> Q;
Q.push(State(status, 0, 0)
SET(v, status); //v[status] = 1;
while(!Q.empty()) {
                // ...
// move to the next stump
int ns = (s.status ^ (uid << totalslots)) | (next << totalslots);
if(TEST(v, ns) == 0) { //if(v[ns] == 0)
SET(v, ns); //v[ns] = 1;
// ...
提交完这份用了bitvector array的代码后,在UVa 上显示运行时间0.000s :-)

Problem: UVa 594: One Little, Two Little, Three Little Endians

要注意的是,signed int是带着符号位移位的,所以我先把signed int 转成了 unsigned int

/*bit operation*/
#include "stdio.h"

short shift[4] = {24, 16, 8, 0};
int main() {
int n;
while(scanf("%d ", &n) != EOF) {
unsigned int d = 0;
unsigned int m = n;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
d |= (m & 0xff) << shift[i];
m = m >> 8;
printf("%ld converts to %ld\n", n, d);