Tuesday, March 01, 2005

[segway] Todos

- relations between behavior and tracking
- using tracking to help behavior
  • don't look at ball's current position, look 2-4 cycles ahead depending on speed
  • search positions with higher-weight-particle first when searching ball
- using behavior to help tracking
  • if we know we are going to kick, then give ball movement model an acceleration
  • if we are going to grab, then ball is going to be stopped below
  • IR sensor assures the ball is below
- construct a grid-based representation of the field centered at the initial ref point. Build a mapping betwen (pan, tilt) to (x, y) on that field ( this will be affected by the drift of dead-reckoning). Gradually, add visual objects onto the field (markers, teammate, ball).

- HMM? rao-blackwellised pf (bayesian network)