- situation -- setplays, play mode (known from referee)
- role -- kicker, receiver, interceptor (know from situation, self pos and ball pos)
- self position -- my half, their half, near their goal (known from localization)
- ball position
- teammate position
in each cycle, high-level decides which skill to use based on world info. Then the skill to use decides the ball movement model .
- searching -- static ball model, search high-weight cell first
- grab - static ball model, ready to use IR sensor, then ball's position is known to be below segway, so same velocity as the segway
- recv ball -- ball will be kicked towards the segway, so using constant speed model
- kick bal l(passing, shooting)-- segway will kick the ball, so ready to give a ball an acceleration
- aiming -- moving ball
- interception -- that is grab a moving ball, moving ball model -> stop ball
- vision
- IR sensor
- self motion
- teammate comm
- PF(particle filter)
- RBPF (pf + kalman filter)
- KF
- experiment comparing the three