Tuesday, January 25, 2005

[segway] noise config

BALL_Q_NOISE_OBS = [0.05 0
0 0.05];

BALL_Q_NOISE_unOBS = [10.0 6.5
6.5 10.0];

BALL_R_NOISE = [1.0 0.25
0.25 1.0];

5E-4 1E-2];

5E-3 1E-2];

1E-4 1E-3];

MARKER_R_NOISE = [10.0 0.5
0.5 10.0];

WHEEL_ERROR = 0.1 m/s


Monday, January 24, 2005

[segway] random

there is a wrapped random generator in segway/shared/random.{cc,h}

to use it, see detail in random.h

some examples:

#include "random.h"
class random my_random;


// gaussian distribution
my_x = my_random.gaussian32();

// uniform random number(unsigned integer) in [0, MAX)
my_y = my_random.uint32(MAX);

// uniform random number (real) in [0,1)
my_y = my_random.real32(MAX);

// uniform random number (real) in [-1,1)
my_y = my_random.sreal32(MAX);

[segway] useful previous notes

cmu smtp: smtp.andrew.cmu.edu
pop3: cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu


cardctl eject
cardctl insert
cardctl scheme ***

activate/deactive ethernet
ifup eth0
ifdown eth0

1. cardctl eject
2. pullout card
3. cardctl scheme
4. put card in
5. cardctl insert

/var/log : system log
# /etc/init.d/network stop
# /etc/init.d/pcmcia restart

APT: advanced package tool

choose best mirror site
netselect -vv <...>

dpkg -l pattern
dpkg --status
dpkg --listfiles
dpkg --print-avail

apt-get update
apt-get install
apt-get upgrade
apt-cache search kde

Fedora Core:
/etc/X11/xorg.conf (/etc/X11/XF86Config -- debian)

install gsl:
#./configure --prefix=/usr


uint16_t: unsigned long int

common operations of deque

bk citool
bk revtool
bk pull
bk abort
bk resolve -----"f" "c"

reference point: (rpos, rang)
Global -> relative: (global - rpos).rotate(-rang)
relative -> global: rel.rotate(rang) + rpos

[debian] ctags

#apt-get install ctags
to support ctags lookup in Kdevelop

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

[debian] knoppix again!!!

try knoppix HD-install on my laptop. Installation is easy:

get Knoppix version 3.4 or later and type
sudo knoppix-installer
in the shell !

I am downloading knoppix V3.7 2004-12-08 now via bttorrent...

Burn thd dowloaded iso onto a disc and then reboot into knoppix, open a shell and do sudo ....
Then everything is all right!
- ethernet
- wireless card
- audio
- video
- usb


[debian] patches the new debian

- copy /etc/hosts
- apt-get install wireless-tools
- apt-get install pcmcia-cs
- shift to English shell in crxvt
export LANG=C

[segway] recompile on debian

- apt-upgrade using selection file
- install fltk
- install kernel-source-2.6.9
- #ln -s /usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.9/ linux
- change vision/V4L.h
#include "/usr/src/linux/drivers/usb/media/pwc-ioctl.h"

[debian] dpkg --get/set-selections

Record/copy system configuration

To make a local copy of the package selection states:
$ dpkg --get-selections "*" > myselections 

"*" makes myselections include package entries for "purge" too.

You transfer this file to another computer, and install it there with:
# apt-get update
# dpkg --set-selections < myselections
# apt-get -u dselect-upgrade

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

[segway] tracker summary

* moving objects
- 1 ball tracker
- 1 teammate tracker
- 1 opponent tracker

* non-moving objects
- 1 marker tracker
- 2 goal trackers (our side and their side)

Each tracker maintains a queue of static kalman filter.